25 sept. 2008

Before and after

The first picture is of me on Cat Ba Island in North Vietnam. It was at this moment that I had my "epiphany" and knew that my life had to change. The second photo is of me (and my friend Kate) about 30 minutes after I accomplished one of the most challenging feats in my life. Running the 5km @ the Montreal marathon. Before and after... although I'm easily recognizable in both pics, the physical changes are huge... but what isn't so visible are the changes inside... Looking back at the photo froom just over 6 months ago, I feel like I'm looking at a different person.

3 commentaires:

appelsj a dit...

congrads, you're looking good!

I've getting my act together soon too...
When dale will be gone for one month, i'm going to military boot camp :P

ganesh75 a dit...
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Chris - Dreaming of Babylon a dit...

thanks! I feel good too...

Military boot camp? Pour vrais?