23 oct. 2008

666! How devilish of me!

This past weekend, I was in Toronto for the Good Life fitness marathon. Wow.. what a great race. Mind you I've only run two, but I was able to improve my running time to 31m 34s!!! A whole 40 seconds better than my Montreal début. Despite having shin pains 3km (northbound on University and Dundas) in to the race and having to walk it off AND the retardedly jam packed start of the race where you litterally have to push people aside if you are going to run.
And in keeping with Halloween, I finished 666th!! How devilish of me!

Congrats to David who ran the entire 42km marathon in about 3.5 hours. Dude, you rock!

I'm signed up to do my first ever 10K run Nov. 1st. Little nervous as it's more than I've ever run, but as long as I finish, I'm happy.

Life is good. :-)

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