6 sept. 2007

Memory where art thou

Man... serious memory problems these days. I was driving home from the folks tonight and there was this really interesting documentary about this Japanese novelist on the CBC... and for the life of me, I can't remember his freakin' name!!! The whole way home, I was repeating his name in my head. I parked my car and made a mental note right as I turned off the radio. I was going to go upstairs and go right to Amazon or Google or whatever to find out more about him... It's now 1 hour later... I realized that I forgot about the whole thing the second I closed the car door. Now for the life of me, I have no idea who he is... I know it's pretty easy to find out who it was by going on the CBC web site; that's not what worries me. What worries me is how easily I'm forgetting things these days. Christ.... I'm only 32.

2 commentaires:

SHAN a dit...

maybe you forgot that you're 32 and think you're way older. ;)
And don't worry, it happens to the best of us.

Anonyme a dit...

Ya! imagine when 41 going on 42..But I guess it is an inner thing having memeory, no?

Glad to find another Bilingual Blog..